Quality : Our goal is to offer our clients jobs that fully satisfy their needs. Work of recognized value, carried out by capable and rigorous professionals.
Code of good professional practices : Based on respect for the client and on objectivity and responsibility for the assignment. In the same way: respect in the care of our suppliers and especially, the fair valuation of our staff, as our best and most precious asset.
Responsibility : Promoting effort in our professionals, a taste for work well done, innovation in the search for the best solution with the highest quality, concern and nonconformity.
Profitability : Ensuring the stability of society and its financial capacity to face new projects and new challenges, new risks. To achieve it: pursuit of "excellence". Our goal is to deliver high-quality projects, with added value for our clients, that make our services excellent and unique, different from the others.

Edartec Consultores brings together excellent professionals in various complementary disciplines such as architecture, engineering, geotechnics and geology. Our professional experience and the solidity of our knowledge, together with the drive and enthusiasm at work, allow us to undertake large-scale projects with will and guarantee of success, ensuring the highest quality, efficiency and customer service.
The average age of our professionals is less than 40 years; coexisting professionals with a wide professional background of more than 20 years of experience together with young people with high technical qualifications, dynamism, enthusiasm and push who have received and are receiving with their job training at Edartec Consultores, SL. Training based on quality and rigor of work and that reconciles two fundamental principles: increase their technical qualification and encourage their creativity. Our human resources policy is based on the search and retention of professions with talent, concern and ambition. We promote their motivation and professional integration, training them and giving them access to professional development opportunities.
Currently, the percentage of university graduates in the company is 53%, that of intermediate degree graduates is 26% and that of other technicians is 21%.

Edartec Consultores S.L. is made up of committed professionals with solid training, who have been combining the experience of some of us with more than twenty years of intense dedication, with the freshness of very promising young profiles with ambition and the ability to learn. We all love our work, that passionate and stimulate us, it teaches and improves us. The group nurtures the most exciting and passionate synergy for a job well done, and also for its effectiveness.
From the beginning we have had demonstrations of confidence from our customers. At first only a few, today we work for a great number and diversity: public administration, judicial and arbitration services, large private developers and construction companies, architects offices, engineering offices, SMEs, freelancers, individuals, etc. Our extensive career has enabled us to settle and consolidate valuable experience in the activities we have been developing, and get possess a proven "know-how": developed, evolved and fruitful. Our work aims to be more complete, more finished ... different. That is how our clients and friends perceive and recognize it: we strive to make our product has an additional bonus, with an added value with respect to the services they are providing other companies or engineering firms participating in the same field of activity. This attitude towards work, which is our compass and engine, has allowed us to differentiate ourselves, so Edartec Consultores has its own history of success and prestige.
The duty of giving pig in a poke (as alluded Master De la Sota), is the spirit that reigns in our character and so in daily activity. That is the reason which bring us to always offer what is expected of our assignment, without forgetting that what for others it is the final solution or the end point for us, on many occasions, is no more than simply our starting point.
In our internal coordination and sharing meetings, the premise which completely dominates and marks daily activity is to be aware that we are as good or bad as our last record, our last work. No matter having an experience of more than 2,100 records, nor a career, work and recognized prestige, the important thing now is to satisfy customer needs at work we are doing at this very moment: amply achieving his expectations and being live up to the trust, regardless of whether it is a new customer or is a customer to with we are keeping a professional relationship of five, ten or twenty years.
Edartec Consultores, vibrates, breathes and grows, with the impetus to learn, to be up to date, and to do it better in every moment. In these times of profound changes in the market, industry and the profession, when also new technologies burst into scene, helping and serving as very effective tools, Edartec Consultores is fully aware of the need to develop and adapt to change. For this reason, we are immersed in a process of improvement and adaptation that allows us to take advantage of emphatic and vast changes taking place in the world of construction (which for obvious, they are not necessary to explain). Thus, despite the regressive environment we are subjected, in recent times we have heavily bet on new activities which come to join in and complement the products and services that we have been offering for years. This commitment has been implemented in the structure of company with the same discipline, willingness and enthusiasm that has been demonstrated, always looking for "excellence" as the ultimate goal, to play in meeting the needs of a demanding market, motivated and constantly evolving:
Edartec Consultoría Geotécnica, created with the intention to meet market demand for knowledge of the soil, its true capabilities and limitations true, far outstripping what we are given the current "Geotechnical Studies" of the land, to which we are (unfortunately) quite used, limitations, ambiguities, generalization and often inefficiencies. More than ever, by the evolution of this market, we find the presence of a group of construction professionals which needs, requires and demands a consistent and proven "geotechnical advice".
Also born to perform essential work on the value enhancement of historical monuments: the "geotech-archeology" as a discipline of study, information and analysis not only for designers but also at the service of historians and archaeologists.
Finally we are also offering and performing special services that the market requires. They are particularly difficult and require commitment and training: hydro geology, drainage engineering, forced natural drying engineering, support studies in sedimentary and geoarchaeological exploration, etc.
Edartec BIM, which also arises in response to our continued spirit of overcoming, our thirst for knowledge, our dedication to excellence and our attention to the market and the demands of the present and the future. All this has led to the need to implement BIM in the company procedures. So Edartec offers new services:
Consultancy and development of construction documents.
Predictive studies in the design phase.
Generation of virtual scenes in the design phase.
Documentary coordination in the project phase and execution phase.
Graphical and technical documentation development of complex architectures.
Similarly, Edartec Consultores, has understood that it is time to strengthen and enhance their social media presence and internet presence. For this reason, we have completed and expanded the content of our website, with the aim of turn it, somehow, into a window that allows us to transmit at least some of the illusion and rigor, of the principles and wills, which supports our dealing with daily work, aware of the importance of it and appreciating the opportunity offered to us.
Therefore Edartec is and intends to always improving: Semper Improvidus.
Eduardo Martínez Moya
Manager. March 2013